Oral history is a way of bringing unknown and hidden stories to the surface. It works with open-ended interviews, giving the person being interviewed plenty of space to tell his or her story. Oral history also makes visible stories of groups and communities that are little covered, thus contributing to new perspectives on contemporary history.
This symposium will be of interest to historical societies, individual practitioners, professionals, volunteers from migrant groups and anyone who wants to learn more about oral history!
During the plenary session, podcast and documentary maker Annegriet Wietsma shares her views on the significance of oral history in supplementing or questioning existing stories/views. Project leader Halima Özen el Hajoui talks about her experiences in collecting the stories of guest workers and migrants who came to the Netherlands in the 1960s and 1970s.
After that, you will get to work yourself! Led by experienced oral historians, we will organise five exciting workshops in two rounds.
This symposium is organised in cooperation with OPEN (platform for heritage organisations), Erfgoed Vrijwilliger and Sound and Vision The Hague.
This meeting is also part of ‘Online ontmoeten en ontwikkelen’: a project to support heritage volunteers in an inter-provincial context. The project is a collaboration of the Overleg Provinciale Erfgoedhuizen Nederland (OPEN) and is financially made possible by the Fund for Cultural Participation (FCP). Find more such meetings and other information at erfgoedvrijwilliger.nl.