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Archive and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Behavioural Sciences

Archief- en Documentatiecentrum van de Nederlandse gedragswetenschappen
Number of interviews: 38
Accessibility: YouTube
Transcripts: unknown
Period of interviews: 2012-

Interviewer is psychologist Dr Vittorio Busato the filmmaker is Ernst Boskamp (until 2015, historian Dr Jaques Dane also worked as an interviewer on this project).


Outstanding scientists, who made history in their field, should be heard by future generations. Therefore the ADNG started a video interview project.


38 emeritus professors of psychology were interviewed about their career, vision and reflection on (current) psychology by Dr. Vittorio Busato and historian Dr. Jacques Dane. It concerns 34 men, 3 women and 1 couple.


The interviews, which last about an hour, were filmed by Ernst Boskamp and can be viewed on the ADNG website (via YouTube).