De textiel voorbij : Het wel en wee van Tilburgse oud-textielarbeiders in de jaren 1980-1990
Lou Keune, 1991
De ondergang van de Tilburgse textielindustrie, 1945-1980
Lou Keune, Tom Korremans en Ad de Rooij
Onderdeel van: Mondelinge geschiedenis : over theorie en praktijk van het gebruik van mondelinge bronnen
Red.: Manuela du Bois-Reymond en Ton Wagemakers
pagina 101-114
In the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, Lou Keune and colleagues interviewed dozens of textile workers, women and men. These interviews were used for several publications about the history of the downfall of the Tilburg textile industry, and its consequences for ordinary people. The interviews also contain many stories about ordinary life.
A number of the interviews are retold and available via the website
The entire collection of interviews from Lou Keune’s archive is not yet available (Textielmuseum Tilburg).