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The interviews were conducted on behalf of J. Bank’s dissertation, Catholics and the Indonesian Revolution, Baarn: Ambo, 1983.
They deal with the Indonesia policy of the Dutch government, particularly the stance of the KVP. The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1940 – 1976. They mainly discuss Indonesia and the Netherlands. Themes include Indonesia policy, PvdA faction, KVP faction.
In this book, Bank deals with the attitudes of Catholics in the Netherlands and the East Indies at the level of the church and politics towards the emasculation of the East Indies in the period 1945-1949. However, he cites enough information and describes various aspects in such detail that the book is also a study of the entirety of the decolonization of the East Indies. The book contains stories about the struggle for independence, the role of the British until autumn 1946, the spread of nationalism, rise and fall of federalism, the policy of the Dutch government and that of Batavia, decision-making in Djokjakarta, the international scene, military operations, the Catholic parties both in the Netherlands and in the East Indies, mission and missionary work, etc.
These are the interviewees:
Also see the collection Indonesia politics and the PvdA
Author: Jan Bank
Publisher: Ambo
ISBN: 9789026305979
Year: 1983