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Children of the collaboration

Time period: 1950 - 1960
Number of interviews: Onbekend
Accessibility: By appointment via

During World War II, tens of thousands of Belgians collaborated with the Nazi regime. Their children look back and testify about the war period. What did their parents do, why did they collaborate, and how do their children feel about it now?


7-parts DOCUMENTAry


Author: Piet Boncquet
ISBN: 9789463104791

Publisher: Pelckmans

For the relatives of collaborators, the consequences of World War II were profound. They shared in the punishment and shame. Children often had an even harder time, as a normal family life was disrupted by facts they had absolutely nothing to do with. These were experiences they spent a lifetime reflecting on. The testimonies from the high-profile Canvas series Children of the Collaboration are now brought together in book form. Compiled by Piet Boncquet, the book is published in collaboration with Canvas. Historian Geert Clerbout, the final editor of the documentary series and the author of Publiek geheim (Public Secret), among others, writes the foreword. Piet Boncquet (1958) is a historian and archaeologist. He was a journalist with the newspapers Het Nieuwsblad and De Tijd for many years.



Extra documentaries by Maurice De Wilde

  • De Nieuwe Orde – 19 episodes
  • De Verdachten – 4 episodes
  • De Tijd der Vergelding – 8 episodes
  • De Oostfronters – 7 episodes
  • De Repressie – 5 episodes
  • De Kollaboratie – 10 episodes
  • De Jeugdkollaboratie – 4 episodes