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Collection of interviews VNO-NCW

Project management was in the hands of IISH director Henk Wals and, from April 2020, Frank de Jong (IISH Collection Development)
Time period: 1980 - present
Number of interviews: 8
Accessibility: Unknown
Transcripts: Unknown

The interviews were conducted by journalist Leonard Ornstein.


The recordings were made and edited by Cees Hartman of Hartman Videoproducties.


Researcher Dennie Oude Nijhuis and his assistant Christien van der Harst did preliminary research and prepared interview questions.


Journalist Leonard Ornstein interviews eight former board members and the current general manager of VNO-NCW to record their memories of the relationship between VNO-NCW and the trade unions from the 1980s to the present. The interviews are divided into 19 parts.