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Collectie voormalige Stichting Film en Wetenschap
Time period: 1928-1986
Number of interviews: 9
Accessibility: for research purposes
Transcripts: partially
Period of interviews: 1992-1993

Type interview: scientific

The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Sound & Vision. Digitization can, however, be requested from Sound & Vision via:

Medium: 10 cassette tapes

Title: Van beeld tot beeld. De films en televisieuitzendingen van de CPN, 1928-1986

Author: Bert Hogenkamp and Peter Mol

Publisher: Stichting Film en Wetenschap, Amsterdam, 1993

ISBN: 9789070224219

Peter Mol and Anneke van Renssen spoke with the interviewees about their involvement in the production of films commissioned by the CPN and in the creation of the party’s television broadcasts since 1965, within the framework of the Broadcasting Time for Political Parties (ZPP). Some of these individuals held prominent positions within the CPN.


The following individuals were interviewed:

  • Marcus Bakker, politician and former CPN party chairman
  • Max van den Berg, a regular speaker at demonstrations against racism and discrimination and World War II commemorations
  • Siem van der Helm, former party leader of the CPN
  • Ton van Hoek, former party administrator of the CPN
  • Dolf Kruger, cameraman of the CPN film Welvaart voor een nieuw Nederland
  • Gerrard Verhage, film director of documentaries, feature films and television series
  • Roel Walraven, former alderman and city council member of the CPN
  • Catrien Wolff, wife of Joop Wolff, who sat in the Lower House on behalf of the CPN and championed war victims and resistance heroes
  • Joep IJisberg, well-known strike leader during the February 25 and 26, 1941 February Strike.


The interviews were used for: into: Bert Hogenkamp and Peter Mol, From image to image. Bert Hogenkamp en Peter Mol, Van beeld tot beeld. De films en televisieuitzendingen van de CPN, 1928-1986, Amsterdam: Stichting Film en Wetenschap, 1993.

The material was also used for Peter Mol, Het mes moest aan twee kanten snijden. Hoe de Communistische Partij van Nederland de Zendtijd voor Politieke Partijen gebruikte, 1965-1978, Amsterdam (doctoraalscriptie Nieuwe en Nieuwste Geschiedenis, UvA), 1995.