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Dutch Missionaries (KMM)


Base community, Brasil

Time period: 1976-1988

Katholiek Documentatie Centrum, Nijmegen


Timeframe archive:
1976-1988; 1991-1999; 2002-2005


Public access:


Number of interviews: 1071

To gain a better understanding of the Dutch Catholic missionary activities worldwide and the way the missionaries experienced their missions themselves, the KDC and the CMC (Central Mission Commissariat) established the Interview Project ‘KomMissieMemoires’, or KMM for short, in 1976.

The objective of the KMM was to systematically capture the memories of these Dutch missionaries, that were stationed in Southeast Asia, Africa, America, Scandinavia and Oceania, by preserving them as audio documents.


Since 1978 the KDC interviewed over 900 Dutch missionaries and people directly or indirectly involved with the mission. And we published abstracts of these interviews from 1989 to 2006. The English publication is known as:

Dutch missionary activities: an oral history project: 1976-1988
Arnulf Camps, Vefie Poels, Jan Willemsen (Nijmegen 2005), Valkhof Pers.
ISBN 90-5625-204 (Download here)


Brother Adri Schoorl, Brothers of the Christian Schools, Cameroon