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Dutch participants International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War

Time period: 1936-1939
Number of interviews: 23
Accessibility: Consult at IISG.
Transcripts: Yes.

During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), around 800 Dutch fighters were part of the International Brigades.


The collection includes 63 digitised audio cassettes with interviews conducted by Jaap-Jan Flinterman , Rik Vuurmans , Frans Groot , Hans Dankaart and Henk Otjens with former Spanish fighters.


The interviews were used for the doctoral thesis In het geweer tegen het fascisme, Nederlandse Interbrigadisten in de Spaanse burgeroorlog (Signature: 1990/531 fol) and the book by Hans Dankaart, Jaap-Jan Flinterman, Frans Groot and Rik Vuurmans De oorlog begon in Spanje, Nederlanders in de Spaanse Burgeroorlog 1936-1939. (Signature: 2008/3503).


The typescripts are in the archives “Collection of Dutch participants in the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War”, (ARCH 020806 inv. nos. 33-48; 57-68).

De oorlog begon in Spanje (The war began in Spain)
Dutch in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Authors: Hans Dankaart, Jaap-Jan Flinterman, Frans Groot, Rik Vuurmans




The experiences of the approximately 600 Dutch who went to Spain to fight fascism, based on interviews with former Spanish fighters.


Prior to Publication The war began in Spain, Frans Groot and Rik Vuurmans completed a 1985 thesis at the UvA In het geweer tegen het fascisme: Dutch interbrigadists in the Spanish Civil War

Interviews were conducted with about 20 former Spanish fighters.