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East to West

UvA / Theo Stevens
Time period: 1942-1963
Number of interviews: 27
Accessibility: public
Transcripts: yes
Period of interviews: 1992-1995

KITLV / UB Leiden




Het materiaal kan worden aangevraagd via de online catalogus van UB Leiden. De opnames zijn te beluisteren in de Leeszaal Bijzondere Collecties.

Medium: cassettebandjes

Archive and inventory no: D H 1565. The cassette tapes have been transferred to the AV collection of the KITLV.


The interviews are part of the working material resulting from the curriculum at the UvA on the history of the former Dutch East Indies led by Theo Stevens. P. Schuurmans was allowed to use these interviews for her doctoral thesis Adapting to Holland. The collection consists of the research material belonging to Schuurmans’ thesis.

Besides transcripts of several interviews, the collection also contains a notebook with notes and completed survey forms.


The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1942 – 1963.
They mainly discuss Indonesia and the Netherlands. Themes include World War II,
Indonesian revolution, migration, repatriation.


Publications linked to the collection: Schuurmans, P. (2002). Adapting to Holland: research
on Indonesian Dutch and their experience of repatriation 1950-1963 [Doctoral thesis]. University
of Amsterdam.