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Komitee Indonesië / Frans Stultiëns
Time period: 1960 - 1981
Number of interviews: 7
Accessibility: openbaar
Transcripts: nee
Period of interviews: 1978-1982

The interviews were most likely conducted in Indonesia during Frans Stultiëns’ correspondentship for KRO. They are complete unedited interviews. The interviews were recorded after the release of political prisoners from 1978, on the occasion of then Prime Minister Van Agt’s visit to Indonesia in April 1980 and in the run-up to the Indonesian parliamentary elections in May 1982.

The recordings are housed at the IISH through Komitee Indonesia.


The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1960 – 1981. They mainly discuss Indonesia and the Moluccas, Buru. Themes include. political prisoners, statement by Dutch government at press conference Jakarta 1980, Suharto, power elites, corruption, comparison situation Iran and Indonesia, special forces, riots in Makassar, racialism, religion, military service, business interests, political prison camp Buru, isolation, contact outside world, suicide, rape, women’s section, youth movement, women’s movement, peasant movement, young prisoners, pregnancy, future of Indonesia, neo-colonial regime, Poncke Princen, human rights, political situation, consequences of political imprisonment, labor camp, escape attempts, poor sanitary conditions.