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February strike Netherlands

Comité Herdenking Februaristaking 1941
Time period: 1941
Number of interviews: 72
Accessibility: Online
Transcripts: Yes
Period of interviews: 1970 - 1980

For transcripts, see inv. nos. 31-35 Interviews met voormalige deelnemers aan de Februaristaking. Z.j. 5 boxes of this archive. The transcriptions are sometimes more extensive than the audio material (e.g. for the interview with Simon Korper) indicating that there must have been more audio material and that some tapes were edited.

Medium: originally 99 audiotapes. The tapes were digitised in 2015.

Kroniek van de Februari-staking 1941

Author: Gerard Maas

Publisher: Pegasus, Amsterdam, 1961

The February Strike was held during World War II in protest against the many anti-Jewish measures and persecution of Jews. Thousands of workers laid down their work. The strike began on 25 February 1941 in Amsterdam and spread a day later to the Zaanstreek, Haarlem, Velsen, Hilversum and the city of Utrecht and immediate surroundings. It was the first large-scale resistance action against the German occupiers in Europe. Since 1946, the February Strike has been commemorated annually on 25 February on Jonas Daniël Meijerplein in Amsterdam, near Mari Andriessen’s statue “The Dockworker”. The collection includes interviews conducted by Jan Dop, Simon Korper and Gerard Maas, among others, with February strikers.


The Foundation Comité Herdenking Februaristaking 1941 was established in 1990 as a successor to the Februariherdenkingskomité.


The interviews were conducted by Jan Dop (1943), (filmmaker who, together with Kees Hin (1936-2020) and Frans van der Staak (died 2001), made the feature film about the February Strike Soldiers without Guns (1985). Jan Dop made some interviews alone, some in collaboration with Simon Korper (1907-1988) and later most with Gerard Maas (Zaandam, 1913 – Amsterdam, 1988) communist, resistance fighter and politician.


Maas wrote about the February strike, a.o. Kroniek van de Februari-staking 1941, Amsterdam, 1961 en 1941 bloeiden de rozen in februari, een korte historische schets, Amsterdam [1985].