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Ghent guests

Logo Amsab-ISG
Time period: 1960-2010
Number of interviews: 40
Accessibility: one-time registration and login 
Transcripts: yes
Period of interviews: around 2007

In September 2007, Nakhla vzw started the socio-cultural project Gentse Gasten in cooperation with its partners. It concerns the story of the first generation of Moroccans in Ghent. What was originally intended as an exploratory study among a limited group of Moroccans from the Brugse Poort area, quickly grew into a project with greater ambitions. Ghent Guests’ aims to collect and create sources on Moroccan migration to Ghent in the 1960s and 70s. The ultimate goal is to write the history of the first generation of Moroccans in Ghent. The focus, however, is not on the creation of a scientific work, but on informing as large a public as possible about this important, all too often forgotten aspect of Ghent’s history.

At the same time, the project wants to initiate a written and spoken archive around and for the Moroccan community and open this up to a broad public. This is also important to strengthen the ties between the different generations and to offer a platform for the awareness and importance of heritage for social awareness.


40 interviews with first and second generation Moroccan migrants, and additionally privileged witnesses.


The documentary “My Aunts from Ghent” was made by Nakhla and Een Andere Wereld Films.


Trailor of My Aunts from Ghent