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Hanuš Renner tells about Czechoslovakia

Stichting Film en Wetenschap / Wilma van de Wetering
Time period: 1946-1968
Number of interviews: 1 (1 person)
Accessibility: restricted
Transcripts: None
Period of interviews: 1987

The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Beeld & Geluid. Digitization can, however, be requested from Beeld & Geluid via:

Medium: 2 cassette tapes

History student Wilma van de Wetering (RUU) interviewed historian of Czech origin Hanuš (Hans) Renner (born 1946) of the University of Groningen about his experiences in Czechoslovakia until 1968, when he came to the Netherlands. Renner came from a “bourgeois” background – his father ran a trading company – which made it difficult for him and his family to hold their own under communist rule. Nevertheless, he finished grammar school and began studying history in Prague in 1964-65. He followed with interest the liberalization that took place in Czechoslovak politics during the 1960s. During the Russian invasion of Prague in 1968, he found himself abroad and decided not to return to his country for the time being. He came to the Netherlands where his decision became final.