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Hungarian refugees in Flanders in 1956

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UGent Vakgroep Nieuwste Tijden
Time period: 1900-1990
Number of interviews: 16
Accessibility: Reading room AMSAB-ISG
Transcripts: Yes (in print)
Period of interviews: 2002-2003

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The 1956 Hungarian refugee flow illustrates how the international community can quickly resolve a humanitarian crisis. The first asylum countries did not bear the brunt of their humanitarian response to the massive request for protection from the many Hungarians.


The 1956 Hungarian flow of refugees illustrates how the international community can quickly resolve a humanitarian crisis. The first asylum countries did not bear the brunt of their humanitarian response to the massive request for protection from the many Hungarians.
The 1956 refugee crisis also shows how broad support for refugee protection can facilitate inclusion.


Students from the Vakgroep Nieuwste Tijden at Ghent University conducted oral history interviews with 16 Hungarian refugees who came to Belgium in 1956.

In addition to the full transcripts, 10-minute summaries are available.