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Impressions. Ghent’s printing industry in the spotlight

Zoon Frans Balthazar aan de Linotype, jaren 1930. © privécollectie
Time period: 1950-2019


Number of interviews: 10

Analogue in repository, digital on internal server and in MAM archive of meemoo

Accessible: Complete audio interviews and summary in the library, on request available on the spot

Original sound carrier: audiocassette

Digitised: mp3



The Industry Museum has a tradition of oral history projects and preserves interviews with people from various graphics sub-sectors: both recent interviews (2017-2019) and those from the project “Impressions. The Ghent printing industry in the spotlight” (1988-1989).
These sources offer an insight into the working conditions, technical innovations and various evolutions in the profession.


Publication issued on the occasion of the exhibition Indruk: de Gentse drukkerswereld, belicht in het Museum voor industriel archeologie en textiel in Gent from 17 February 1989-18 January 1990.