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Indonesia Merdeka!

Stichting Film en Wetenschap
Time period: 1930-1950
Number of interviews: 8 (8 persons)
Accessibility: restricted
Transcripts: None
Period of interviews: 1976

The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Beeld & Geluid. Digitization can, however, be requested from Beeld & Geluid via:

Medium: 19 audiotapes

The interviews were conducted on behalf of the three-hour documentary film Indonesia Merdeka!, which Roelof Kiers made for the VPRO in 1976. The interviewees talk about the developments of the fight for independence in Indonesia before, during and after World War II until the transfer of sovereignty by the Netherlands on December 27, 1949. The documentary was first broadcast on Dec. 1, 1976. It was repeated several times thereafter.


Interviewees are:
– fam. M.E. Marsman, planters;
– Dr. Roeslan Abdulghani, nationalist youth leader, leader of revolution Surabaya, Ministry of Information of the Republic;
– mr. Mohammad Hatta, nationalist leader, vice-president republic of Indonesia;
– Dr. P.J. Koets, teacher, member thrust group, political advisor to lt. governor general, political advisor to HVK;
– General T.B. Simutapang, KNIL lieutenant, general staff TNI;
– General A.H. Nasoetion, ex-KNIL ensign, youth leader, commander Siliwangi division, TNI commander-in-chief;
– Dr. Abu Hanifa, physician;
– Johan Fabricius, BBC correspondent, journalist.

VPRO Documentary – Roelof Kiers (1976)

Indonesia Merdeka (1976) | Dutch East Indies/Indonesia Independence Struggle


An epic about the struggle that preceded the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia in 1949. The independence struggle is reconstructed with unique historical material and through memories, fates and anecdotes of prominent eyewitnesses who witnessed the independence struggle.