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Indonesian and Indo resistance in the Netherlands

Stichting ArtEsteem (©)
Time period: 1940-1945
Number of interviews: 5

Thematic collection: War Heritage


Before the Dutch East Indies ceased to exist and the large group of Indo-Europeans and Moluccans migrated to the Netherlands, there were already Indo-, Moluccan and other groups from the Dutch East Indies living in the Netherlands. Relatively many of them participated in the resistance against fascism. Some ended up in the notorious Oranjehotel and in concentration camps. Many of them died in the struggle against the German occupier. In this oral history project, people with an Indonesian background who turned against the occupier during the war will be interviewed.


In 1940, the future lay in the Dutch East Indies or Indonesia for the vast majority of them. They were usually temporarily in the Netherlands and happened to get caught up in a war that was not theirs. Nevertheless, they often showed solidarity with the Dutch population. The important political association Perhimpunan Indonesia, for example, had already called on its members in 1936 to turn against fascism. For that, the struggle for Indonesian independence was temporarily sidelined.