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Interview collection The Never-Ending War

Martin Roemers en Theo Buiten
Time period: 1945-1949
Number of interviews: 6
Accessibility: beperkt openbaar
Transcripts: Uitgebreide samenvattingen beschikbaar
Period of interviews: 2004-2005

The collection is of limited public use. If interested, please contact Bronbeek.

Medium: Mini-discs

Roemers, M.

The Never-Ending War.

QV Publishers, 2006



Photographer Martin Roemers portrayed 40 veterans from Germany, Russia, Poland, Belgium, Britain and the Netherlands for his project The Never-Ending War (2004 – 2005). His research question was whether veterans, regardless of their position on the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ side, have more in common with each other than they do with differences. Five or six of the interviewees were Bronbeek residents. The main question was: what did you do during the war? Besides the portraits, photographs of World War II commemorations are also part of the project.

The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1945 – 1949.
They mainly discuss Indonesia and the Netherlands. Themes include Indonesian revolution, regret, trauma, survival.

Webpage The Never-Ending War