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Interviews about the Belgian graphic industry

Time period: 1960-2019
Period of interviews: 2017-2019


Number of interviews: 12

Full audio interviews and transcripts in the library

Accessible on site via request and according to the terms stipulated in the usage agreement with the respondent.

Transcriptions: In the respondent’s mother tongue (Dutch, 1 French)

Format: WMA and M4A



12 interviews with employees (printers, typesetters, bookbinders,…) and managers, active in the graphic industry in Belgium, in the context of the research and exhibition on the graphic industry.


  • metadata, audio fragments and a short description of a selection have been published on the museum website
  • information from interviews was used as a source during the research and exhibition composition of the renewal of the printing section of ‘Three Centuries of Graphic Industry’ at the museum (opening 2019)
  • excerpts from the interviews were incorporated into audio testimonials in the exhibition ‘Three Centuries of Graphic Industry’ at the museum (opening 2019)
  • excerpts from the interviews have been published in the journal for book science ‘De Gulden Passer
  • fragments from the interviews have been published on the museum website