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Interviews World War II

Bont, J. de, Fotograaf, Waalwijk, Grotestraat circa 1941 - © Gemeentearchief Waalwijk
Time period: 1940-1945
Number of interviews: 24
Accessibility: Partly online

Interviews by RTV Midden-Brabant with former residents of Waalwijk and surrounding areas.


Eyewitnesses 1940-1945 Remembering Sprang-Capelle, Waalwijk and Waspik in wartime – Waalwijk, Loon op Zand 2011 – local broadcaster RTV-Midden-Brabant

Interviews with eyewitnesses of the war 1940-1945 from the municipality of Waalwijk (including Sprang-Capelle and Waspik) on historical locations and with historical footage.