Number of interviews: > 1100
Number of recordings: > 1200
Kazerne Dossin digitised the interviews and converted them to MP4.
The research files consist of both paper and digital documents, which were merged by Kazerne Dossin into a digital file.
Among those interviewed are Jewish camp survivors, Jewish and non-Jewish resistance fighters, political prisoners, hidden children, hidden adults, hostages, refugees, survivors of the Rwandan genocide, Spanish Civil War volunteers, anti-fascists and children of members of these groups of witnesses. Most of the witnesses lived in Belgium during and post-war.
In 1987, Johannes Blum started recording testimonies of Holocaust survivors in Belgium, and from 1993 he made audiovisual recordings. Over the years, he interviewed more than 1,100 people, some of them several times. For each interview, Johannes Blum also compiled a research file, including copies of documents, newspaper clippings, photos of the witness, (scans of) historical photos, written testimonies, publications and obituaries. In 2003, Johannes Blum contacted the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, the predecessor of Kazerne Dossin. His collection was then transferred to the archives of the JMDR. Kazerne Dossin continues to digitise the recordings and research files.