Op zoek … De evolutie van het vrijzinnig humanisme in Vlaanderen sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Gily Coene, Jimmy Koppen, Frank Scheelings (red.)
Uitgeverij ASP/VUBPRESS, 2018
ISBN: 978 90 5718 7094
(voorkant: linosnede Gerard Gaudaen)
What made someone a liberal humanist? Why did someone commit to a particular cause? What form did the commitment take? And how did family, social, professional and regional backgrounds play a significance in the life of the liberal humanist? As part of the project ‘A Liberal Humanist Cultural Heritage Forum for Flanders’, CAVA approached numerous committed liberal humanists with these questions. Because witnesses are also forgetting and/or disappearing. Moreover, there is a glaring lack of sources on this chapter in the history of Flanders and Brussels. These memories and stories therefore provide a wealth of information not readily available in written sources. They constitute important testimonies about the breakthrough of liberal humanist thought in Flanders and Brussels and are part of the oral heritage of liberal humanism.
CAVA therefore organised several storytelling evenings, during which a panel of liberal humanists from the region reminisced. The audience did not leave out either. An audio recording was made of each talk. At the bottom of this page you will find an overview of the various storytelling evenings.
Moreover, the stories and testimonies of the story evenings were supplemented by interviews of liberal figures.
The liberal storytelling evenings took place with the support of the Flemish Government, deMens.nu, Uitstraling Permanente Vorming (VUB) and the Humanistisch Vrijzinnige Vereniging.