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Line 13 – Protteknie

eerste helft 20ste eeuw, zicht op Petroleum Zuid - stadsarchief Antwerpen
Logo Amsab-ISG
Number of interviews: Unkown
Accessibility: Reading room, one-time registration and login
Medium: wav

In 2001, the Neighbourhood Development Corporation, the Heritage Cell and Amsab joined forces in search of a new vision for the destination of Petroleum South. The Flemish government and Urban II breathe financial life into the project. Two artful screenings highlight the stories of local residents: “Woeste Gronden” (after T.S. Elliot) in 2002 and “Line 13 – Protteknie Petrol Zuid” the following year. In 2007, the city decided to prepare for the effective rehabilitation of the area and its redevelopment into a high-quality business park.


Per the concession, the remaining companies can continue their operations until 2035. Some 200 people still work at Petroleum South today. What was once a glorious, leading petroleum port is now on the eve of a spectacular transformation. Already, the brand new Herenpolder bridge connects Petrol to Emiel Vloorsstraat. The old Kruger Bridge may yet be converted into a cycling and walking bridge. But so much more is in the pipeline.
Soon our phoenix will reawaken here in a completely new outfit!


© photo: privat collection Jef De Paepe. Design: Nicole Schellekens



Lijn 13 – Protteknie : 100 jaar Petrol Zuid
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name
Authors: Vera De Boeck, Annick Schreuder, Martine Vermandere, Ilse Cockx, Hugo Manson, Marc Jacobs, Petrol Zuid (Antwerpen), Archief en Museum van de Socialistische Arbeidersbeweging (Gent), Antwerpen, Stad Erfgoedcel, Buurtontwikkelingsmaatschappij (Antwerpen)
Publisher: City of Antwerp, 2003
Length: 45 pages