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“Our book”

Dane Beerling, 12 jaar, tussen zijn vader en moeder in.
Indisch Herinneringscentrum (IHC)
Time period: 1930-1990
Number of interviews: 64
Accessibility: The collection is not yet accessible. After disclosure, the collection will become public
Transcripts: yes
Period of interviews: 1980s
Medium: cassette tapes

The material is a donation from E.H. (Rita) Vreugdenburg. It concerns interview material by artist Dane Beerling and Indo working group Westcoast.

Objective: to record the history of the Indian Buiten- en binnenkamp children from the pre-war period to the present for the project Ons boek.

The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1930 – 1990.
Mainly Indonesia and the Netherlands are discussed. Themes include World War II, Indonesian revolution, migration, Japanese internment camps, outdoor camp children, Indo working group Westcoast.