Op zoek … De evolutie van het vrijzinnig humanisme in Vlaanderen sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Gily Coene, Jimmy Koppen, Frank Scheelings (red.)
Publisher ASP/VUBPRESS, 2018
ISBN: 978 90 5718 7094
(Front cover: linocut Gerard Gaudaen)
Following Heritage Day 2017, which was dedicated to “Care”, several interviews were conducted with volunteers and pioneers of liberal-humanist care. A number of excerpts were selected from each interview, which together form the audio bar ‘Pioneers of liberal-humanist care’. As the full interviews contain a wealth of information, we don’t want to withhold them from you. Via the links below, you can listen to or read the interviews and learn more about the pioneers of liberal-humanist care and the course they took.