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Collection former Stichting Film en Wetenschap
Time period: 1990 - 1995
Number of interviews: 17
Accessibility: Restricted, for research purposes
Transcripts: 11
Period of interviews: 1990 - 1995


Only 1 interview (with Elisabeth Andersen) is digitized and findable in DAAN, the other interviews are not yet. Digitization, however, can be requested from Sound & Vision. 

Medium: 31 cassette tapes

The interviews were conducted within the framework of the so-called ‘Prominent Persons Interview Project’, by students of the Documentation Centre for Contemporary History (DNG) of the UvA. The whole project was directed by Professor Piet de Rooy (briefly in collaboration with Dr Selma Leydesdorff) and covered the period 1990 to 1995 inclusive.


Interviews with:

Elisabeth Andersen, Gerard van Bakel, prof. mr. A.D. Belinfante (2x), Pierre van Boxtel, D.H. Couvee (2x), Lotti van der Gaag, mr. J.L. Heldring, J. Moelee, J. (Ko) Pasman (3x), Wim Polak (2x), Bert Schierbeek, Hendrik van Tellingen