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3. Egodocumenten
3.2 Interviews
45 Uitgewerkte interviews over de ervaringen van burgers die gerepatrieerd zijn vanuit Nederlands-Indië, 1999.
De collectie is slechts raadpleegbaar na verkregen schriftelijke toestemming van de directeur van het NIOD.
Stichting Onderzoek Terugkeer en Opvang (SOTO)
NIOD 889, inventory numbers 45, 48-51, 72
The interviews are part of a study into the experiences of citizens from the former Dutch East Indies on return and reception in the Netherlands in the period 1946 – 1952.
The Foundation for Research on Return and Reception (SOTO) was set up in the summer of 1998 at the invitation of the Cabinet. The aim was to test the hitherto prevalent view that the reception of victims of the Second World War was cold and bureaucratic.
The interview collection consists of 29 interviews. The interviewees were selected on geographical distribution, different social and ethnic backgrounds, age at the time of repatriation, period of repatriation and gender.
The research resulted in an exhibition.
Return and reception after World War II, the educational project Thinking of Holland and
four publications.
The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1900 – 1999, with an emphasis on the period 1942 – 1960. They mainly discuss Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Thailand, the Netherlands and Japan. Themes include connection to the former Dutch East Indies, family history, daily life, Japanese occupation, World War II, Internment Camp, liberation, Red Cross, Rapwi, NICA, evacuation from camps, family reunification, reception, aid organisations, repatriation, migration, Ataka, reception address, reception in the Netherlands, medical care, education, aftermath, processing, KJBB, Pelita, WUV, WUBO, retrospective, role employer evacuation, BPM, KNIL, KPM, social career.
Bossenbroek, M. (2001). De meelstreep. Terugkeer en opvang na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Bert Bakker.
Piersma, H. (Ed.). (2001). Mensenheugenis. Terugkeer en opvang na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Getuigenissen.
Bert Bakker, Stichting onderzoek terugkeer en opvang.
Kristel, C. (Ed.). (2002a). Binnenskamers. Terugkeer en opvang na de Tweede Wereldoorlog: besluitvorming.
Bert Bakker.
Kristel, C. (Ed.). (2002b). Polderschouw. Terugkeer en opvang na de Tweede Wereldoorlog: regionale
verschillen. Bert Bakker.