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Socialist upbringing

Collection former Stichting Film en Wetenschap
Time period: 1918-1940
Number of interviews: 8 (8 people)
Accessibility: for research purposes
Transcripts: none
Period of interviews: 1980

The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Sound & Vision. Digitization can, however, be requested from Sound & Vision via: 

Medium: 9 cassette tapes

The interviews were conducted as part of an oral history project on socialist home education at the Institute for Pedagogical and Andragogical Sciences of the University of Utrecht. All interviewees came from a “red nest” and recounted daily life in their youth, mainly about their home situation and upbringing.


The results of the project are laid down in Socialistische thuisopvoeding in Nederland in de jaren 1918-1940. Een projekt orale geschiedenis by José van Dijk, Gerda Houtman, Jacqueline van Lemmen, Utrecht, 1980.



Mrs. Bleeker
Mr. Dekker
Mrs. Lantinga
Mr. Moes
Ms. Mulders-Venminh
Mrs Riethof
Mrs Wigbold-van Berkel
Ger Zuidhoek