Archive and inventory no: AVD0016 to AVD00206
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The interviews have not all been unlocked yet. The interviews can be listened to by appointment at Museum Maluku, located in Museum Sophiahof. The AVD numbers can be listened to digitally. (Requests) can be sent to:
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Moluccans’ residence in the Netherlands in 2001, then-minister of Major Cities Policy and Integration, Roger van Boxtel commissioned a study on Moluccans in the Netherlands, the study Stayed in the Netherlands. 173 interviews were conducted with Moluccans in the Netherlands. In addition, 17 more interviews were conducted in two subprojects, namely in a sub-study on the organisation Interkerkelijk Contact Comité Ambon-Nederland (ICCAN) in 2004 and in a study on the Genapium residential resort and the Moluccan neighbourhood in Gennep in 2004 – 2005.
The interviews focus on events and experiences in the years 1930 – 2006.
They mainly discuss the Netherlands and Indonesia, the Moluccas and New Guinea.
Themes include churches, church organisations, self-care, Bouwburo Molukse kerkgebouwen, GIM, fights, housing, neighbourhoods, RMS ideal, kumpulans, repatriation, political organisations, polit, RMS talks, RMS struggle, unity state, states politics, students, KNVB, football, BP, ICCAN, foundations, organisations, Köbben Commission, Tjandu, Muhabbat, mission, contract pensions, Islam, identity, religion, religion, education, rituals, mosques, civil war, neighbourhood life, CAZ, self care, minorities, government policy, housing, IWM, labour, minorities note, Verwey-Jonker committee, residential settlements, training, education, Action Wassenaar, KPK, walking marches, cultural differences, marriages, mixed, hostage-taking, weapons, welfare, relief, racism, radicalisation, marechaussee, POW, KNIL, Police Actions, crossing, RMS commemorations, RST, KST, Westerling coup, aircraft, training, soldier life, disbandment of KNIL, SPMT, family life, political organisations, violence, evictions, police action, conspiracies, occupations, mayors, women’s organisations, Korans, philosophical education, integration, repatriation, orientation trips, Joint Committee, travel organisations, RMS organisations, Mission Military, FAA, Joint Committee, pensions, Indo-Europeans, ICCAN, foundations, CAZ, Facilities Act, Moluccans Note, Through the Centuries Allegiance Foundation (DDET).
Smeets, H., & Steijlen, F. (2006).
In Nederland gebleven.
De geschiedenis van Molukkers 1951 – 2006.
Uitgeverij Bert Bakker en Moluks Historisch Museum.
Study – on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their stay in the Netherlands in 2001 – of the history of the 12,500 Moluccans, mainly soldiers of the Royal Dutch East Indies Army and their families, who arrived in the Netherlands in 1951.