Interviews by Henne Pauli with Jaap Boersma, Frans Drabbe, Jaques Penders and Arie Groenevelt on the role of the 1977 strike.
The collection originally consisted of 8 cassettes signed BG GC1/551 to GC1/558.
Literature: Henne Pauli, De FNV gaat niet opzij!;
Hoe de vakbeweging de grote staking van ’77 won,
Voorlichtingsdienst Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging, 1977.
Together with NKV leader Wim Spit, he successfully leads the merger with the NVV to form the FNV. Under the slogan ‘The FNV does not go sideways’, he successfully leads the fight to retain full price compensation in 1977.