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The intelligence services during the Second World War

CegeSoma / Emmanuel De Bruyne
Time period: 1940-1945
Number of interviews: 25
Accessibility: reading room
Transcripts: no
Period of interviews: 1999-2002

French: 22

Unknown: 3


Original media: audiotapes, audiocassettes and minidisks


Mandatory registration as a reader of the General State Archives and State Archives in the Provinces.

Medium: mp3; wav; flac


Number of interviews: 25

fra: 22

unknown: 3

Transcriptions: no

Original carriers: audiotapes, audiocassettes and minidiscs

Current files: mp3; wav; flac

Accessibility: in the reading room

Obligatory registration as reader of the General State Archives and State Archives in the Provinces.

Emmanuel De Bruyne was a researcher at CegeSoma from 1999 to 2007 and defended a thesis on Belgian intelligence services during the Second World War in 2006. Since then, he has devoted a large part of his research to resistance movements and intelligence networks and action groups. More recently, he has focused on intimate relationships under occupation in Belgium and France, as well as Belle Époque bankruptcies. During his years at the Centre, he participated in a study on the attitude of Belgian authorities towards the persecution of Jews.

Between the end of 1999 and 2002, Emmanuel Debruyne conducted about twenty interviews with members of the intelligence services (Zero, Tégal, Clarence, Luc-Marc). He is particularly interested in understanding the link between resistance and society. In other words, were intelligence resistance networks representative of Belgian society? Are the social relations in force in society recreated or abolished in networks of resistance? His thesis, which analysed these testimonies, was published by Racine in 2008 under the title La guerre secrète des espions belges, 1940-1944.