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The Jewish market in the Gaaspstraat in Amsterdam (1941-1943)

Time period: 1942-1944



Realisation project:

Stichting Kindermonument


Time frame: november 1941-november 1943
Location: Gaaspstraat, Rivierenbuurt, Amsterdam
Number of interviews: 11


Thematic collection: Erfgoed van de Oorlog



When the Jewish merchants had to disappear from the markets on 3 November 1941 as part of the arisation of the Jewish retail trade, the special Jewish markets were not yet ready. The Jewish markets, intended for Jewish market vendors and their Jewish customers, existed for two years, from the end of 1941 to the end of 1943. For these markets, the German and municipal authorities chose spacious, fenced-off places (‘gänzlich umzäunte Gelände’) and therefore sports fields and children’s playgrounds were often chosen.


As part of this oral history project, local residents at the time look back on the days of the Jewish markets. What were the consequences of the German measure on a neighbourhood in Amsterdam (the Rivierenbuurt) where Jews and non-Jews lived together? The interviews also address the question of the extent to which these events affected the interviewees’ later lives.