36 interviews with members of 3 generations from 11 families in the Jewish community in the Netherlands on the impact of the Holocaust in their lives and in their families in terms of resilience, trauma and meaning.
This project includes 36 interviews with members of 3 generations from 11 families in the Jewish community in the Netherlands about the impact of the Holocaust in their lives and in their families in terms of resilience, trauma and meaning in life. The dataset was completed in January 2018 and will be made available for scientific purposes from 2020 onwards on the condition that the results of the study are published by then.
Description of the research design
This interview collection was collected as part of the research project Trauma & Resilience: Intergenerational Holocaust research from an existential perspective by Dr Carmen Schuhmann (resilience & meaning in life), Dr Nicole Immler (oral history & history) and Dr Wander van der Vaart (methodology), all working at the University for Humanistics in Utrecht.
Description of the interviews
Anonymised designation of families and respondents The project consists of 36 interviews with members of 11 families (A through K) of Dutch Holocaust survivors. In 7 families (A – D and F – H) members of 3 generations were interviewed; in 4 families (E, I, J and K) members of 2 generations. The respondents have been rendered anonymous in the following manner: the first letter (A to K) indicates the family to which the respondent belongs; the indication 1G, 2G or 3G thereafter indicates the generation to which the respondent belongs;[2] for respondents from the first and second generation, the last digit (1 or 2) indicates the number of the respondent of the given family and generation; For respondents from the third generation, of the two numbers at the end (1 or 2) the first number indicates which respondent from the second generation is the parent of this respondent from the third generation, and the second number indicates the number of respondents with this parent.
Schuhmann, dr. C.M. (Universiteit voor Humanistiek); Immler, dr. N. (Universiteit voor Humanistiek) (2018): Trauma & Resilience: Intergenerational Holocaust research from an existential perspective. DANS.