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In DAAN, het the digital archive of Sound & Vision the following item can be found: Niet Bekend – 19823, an interview from 1958 where Benno Stokvis, former member of the CPN speaks about the EVC
Title: De Eenheidevakcentrale EVC 1943-1948
Authors: Paul Coomans, Truike de Jonge, Erik Nijhof
Originally: doctoral thesis
ISBN : 9789001390167
In 1944, the groundwork was laid for an entirely new trade union organization, the Eenheidsvakbeweging (EVB), later renamed Eenheids Vakcentrale (EVC). This was an initiative of the underground leadership of the Communist Party of the Netherlands (CPN), which had played an important role in the resistance and hoped that it would be able to convert the respect gained as a result into key positions in postwar society. The EVC opposed the colonial war and unsuccessfully sought to organize a strike against it.
Besides participating in a progressive government, the CPN also envisioned a supporting role in a renewed trade union movement, in which the old philosophical divisions would be overcome for the sake of the common struggle for optimal working conditions.
For this purpose, 10 persons were interviewed:
For more information on the interviews and interviewees, see: SFW Working Edition no. 8 (1995), pp. 4, 15, 16, 18, 19, 24, 29, 35.
For further historical context see: Evert Smit, “Havenartiesten in actie. Het mobilisatieproces bij wilde stakingen in de Rotterdamse haven” in Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 21:3 (1994)