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World federalism

Stichting Film en Wetenschap


Collection former Stichting Film en Wetenschap


Interviewer: : Peter Davidse
Number of interviews: 17
Sound carrier: 27 cassette tapes
Type of interview(s): wetenschappelijk
Production date: 1992-95

Accessibility: for research purposes
Transcription: none

Davidse, development economist and world federalist, talks to Dutch, American (Gaff, Garves, Millard, Logue and Nelson) and English (Waterlow) representatives of the World Federalist Movement (WFB) about this movement in general and the local sections in particular. The personal backgrounds of the various individuals, their introduction to world federalism and their activities within it are discussed.

The WFB was founded shortly after the war in 1946 and strives for the establishment of a federal world government based on an international legal order, equipped with powers to maintain international peace and security. At the level of the nation-states, there should be a general disarmament, except for a minimal power to maintain the domestic order. The world federalists have always seen the United Nations as an instrument for their pursuit.