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Youth policy

Stichting Film en Wetenschap
Time period: 1945-1980
Number of interviews: 14
Accessibility: limited for research purposes
Transcripts: non
Period of interviews: 1984-1986


The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Sound & Vision. Digitization, however, can be requested through Sound & Vision.


The interviews were held for Rutger Bremer’s dissertation Jeugd in opspraak. Jeugdbeleid in sociologisch retrospectief.

The focus of the interviews is on the years 1945-55 and 1965-80. The concept of mass youth is central. The interviewees are or were administrators, scientists or policy makers in the field concerned.

The biographical data of most of them are included in a separate list in the thesis.


About the interview series, Marijke Res wrote the article ‘Fear of Jailbait Street.
Oral History collection gives picture of post-war youth policy’, in: GBG-Nieuws 20 (spring 1992), pp.23-27.