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Zuiderzee project

It is partly a collection of interviews conducted by researchers at the former Social History Centre for Flevoland, which merged with the Nieuw Land Heritage Centre in 2004 and became part of the Batavialand Heritage Park in Lelystad in 2017.


Erfgoedpark Batavialand
Time period: 1975-2021
Number of interviews: 400

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Interviews cover a wide range of topics: history of the Zuiderzee fishery, the Jewish work village in Wieringermeer, the arrival of residents in the IJsselmeer polders, politics and administration, history of government services in the IJsselmeer polders, history of urban planning and design, agriculture, nature conservation, health care, etc. Erfgoedpark Batavialand also manages interviews conducted by Landschapsbeheer Flevoland with residents of Noordoostpolder and Zeewolde regarding the landscape of the IJsselmeerpolders.