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Heemkring Landrada and Tesi Samanunga archives

Time period: +/- 1900 tot 2023
Number of interviews: >70
Accessibility: on request in the premises of "Heemkring Landrada" and in the magazine "Tesi Samanunga" with approval board Heemkring Landrada.
Transcripts: Partly (in Dutch/Flemish and dialect)
Period of interviews: 1988 to 2023
Medium: Some interviews on CD - most on cassette tape and videotape

The words “Tesi Samanunga” literally mean “this community” and are taken from a two-line verse found in the evangeliary (gospel book) of Munsterbilzen dating from the ninth century. This evangeliary is currently kept in the library of the Bollandists in Brussels under no. 299.
Of the two lines mentioned, one phrase is in Old Dutch and the other in Latin and reads as follows:
     “Tesi Samanunga vvas edele unde scona”.
     “& omnium virtutum pleniter plena”.


As this phrase is the oldest correctly dateable (1130) remnant of Dutch, we as a local history society are particularly proud to have been able to publish our journal under that name.


This journal regularly features edited interviews conducted by the Heemkring over the past 30 years.