Can be searched in DAAN or on the website of Sound & Vision with the search term “De eerste getuigen” and the metadata production company name “RVU”
Paul Julien (1981)
Hilda Verwey-Jonker (1983) (cc – Rob C. Croes / Anefo – Nationaal Archief)
Emile Schüttenhelm in 1968
Jan Tinbergen – foto: R.C. Croes, ANEFO, 1986
Willy Corsari – foto: Edith Visser, ca. 1948
Arthur Lehning (1976)
Jeanne Bieruma Oosting – Zelfportret (1932)
Chris Walder – Foto: Johan van Gurp, 1993
Corrie de Roos-Oudegeest, 1961
This interview series contains two series. See the hyperlinks for the Sound and Vision archive.
The first series is called “De schatkamer – De eerste getuigen van onze eeuw”:
Interview with 93-year-old anthropologist and chemist Paul Julien. Julien talks about: his childhood in Utrecht; his exclusively science-oriented interest, as a result of which social and political developments during his youth eluded his observation; his expeditions to Africa and what he sees as the positive influence of colonialism on tribal war-torn Africa. Julien shows gloom about the future due to the decline in moral awareness and does not even consider it out of the question “…that we are heading for a Third World War.”
Interview with sociologist and former Member of Parliament Hilda Verwey-Jonker (1908) about her childhood on Zuid-Beveland and in Zwolle; the SDAP milieu in which she grew up; the position of women in the early twentieth century; sexuality as experienced by students; her grandchildren; the rise of right-wing extremism in the 1930s and her functioning in male-dominated strongholds such as the SER and the United Nations. Verwey-Jonker fears the consequences of the aging of Western society. According to her, poorer peoples will take over some of the prosperity without having the technical and scientific knowledge to deal responsibly with the environment.
Interview with former NTS president Emile Schüttenhelm (1909) about: the Catholic environment in which he grew up; World War I; rise and fall of communism; the rise of right-wing extremism in the 1930s; his participation in the World Jamboree in 1937 and his meeting with Lord Baden-Powell; his liberation in 1945 and the presidency of the NTS, for which he was asked because, according to Minister Cals, he was the only one who had a chance to “survive” in Hilversum.
Schüttenhelm reminisces about Henk Terlingen and looks positively to the future, since, according to him, every generation has the commitment and creativity the future needs.
The second series is called “De eerste getuigen van onze eeuw”:
Interview with Jan Tinbergen a.o. about his youth, the end of WW I, his study of physics in Leiden and his contacts with his teachers Paul Ehrenfest and Albert Einstein; his work at the Central Bureau of Statistics mn the fight against the crisis in the thirties; about his transfer in 1936 to the League of Nations in Zurich and the cooperation during WW II with experts on international law like Van Asbeck and van Eysinga t. His research into the role of international treaties; his passivism and anti-colonialism; the research by the CBS into the economic consequences of overseas territories and his criticism of Min. Drees’ attitude regarding de-colonialization policy. He also talks about his research into world issues such as developing countries and environmental problems, which according to him require a global approach through a world government and about receiving the Nobel Prize in 1969. Finally, he gives his vision of the future in terms of an economic balance between production and fairer income distribution and his desire for a more sober and idealistic society.
Interview with Willy Corsari about her unhappy childhood, the artists’ milieu in which she grew up, the origin of the name Corsari, her studies of piano and singing and writing girls’ books, her memories of The Hague and Berlin where she took singing lessons, her life with Jean-Louis Pisuisse’s cabaret company and the history of his murder. She tells about the publication of her first books, including about euthanasia, and her love for the theater, which she stopped attending as a matter of principle during the war; the work of the resistance and helping Jews during the war years and the positive memories of the occupation period regarding mutual human relationships; about the publisher Leopold who committed suicide and her move to cooperative publisher Lubberhuizen/Blommestein (later De Bezige Bij), where she left after conflicts.
Interview with Arthur Lehning about his exciting stay in artists’ and anarcho-syndicalist circles in Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s, the rise of fascism, his views on the political movements of the time, including the Spanish Civil War, his initiative to found the international politically engaged art magazine “i10” and the people, including Mondrian, Kandinsky and Nagy, who contributed to it. He recounts his childhood friend Marsman and the ideological conflict between them in the 1920s; regarding the Spanish Civil War, his reasons for actively supporting the socialist revolution and his stays and encounters there; his experiences in the internment camp on the Isle of Man, England, after the neutralization refusal, regarding his political activities, of the Netherlands, his activities regarding the Cold War and the Paris protest movement ’68. He calls the past century “this terrible age” and sees little positive prospect for the next one.
Jeanne Bieruma Oosting 1898-1994
Interview with Jeanne Bieruma Oosting about her childhood years in the affluence of noble and aristocratic circles; her early love of painting and her studies at the Art Academy in The Hague during which time she met Queen Wilhelmina. She talks about her teacher Van Konijnenburg, her impressionist painting style, her departure in 1929 with Charlotte van Pallandt for Paris and her 11-year stay there where she met Piccaso, among others, and became fascinated by the seamy and nightlife of this city; about her stay in the south of France after the outbreak of the war, the return to occupied Holland and the productive years in Amsterdam. Oosting talks about her painting and graphic work, including the design for children’s stamps and her self-portraits, the stroke that struck her and the happy life she enjoyed.
Interview with Chris Walder about his childhood in Breda, where he learned to play soccer early on the streets, his first matches, the mobilization and outbreak of WWI and his training to become a notary; playing soccer at NAC, the various matches for the Dutch championship and the various NAC players around 1920-’21; the national championship of NAC, after which he was selected for the Dutch national team. He talks about the fact that back then there was no training program for the team and the big difference with today’s soccer.
He believes he could have come along now as well, because it always remains about the talent.
Cor de Roos-Oudegeest 1899-1998
Interview with Cor de Roos-Oudegeest about her background, memories of the railroad strike of 1903, her father Jan Oudegeest (chairman of the NVV and SDAP politician), WWI and the support committee; the reactions in Dutch socialist circles to the Russian Revolution, her joining the SDAP and her activities for the SDAP women’s union, the rise of communism and fascism and the outbreak of WWII, the occupation years and her husband’s resistance work.
She talks about politics after the war in the Dutch East Indies, about the views of Minister Drees regarding the inferior position of women, her entry into the Lower House for the PvdA in 1956 and the reasons for leaving active politics behind. She sees the greatest changes in this century as the great growth of prosperity and participation, but also a much more selfish society, which makes her feel less positive about the future..
Type interview: journalism
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In DAAN, the digital archive of Beeld & Geluid the following item can be found: Wat is mijn kennis waard? (1969) by Warner Borregaard, the interviews were used for this film.
R.L. Schuursma interviewed two professors in 1969 about their choice of study, career and natural sciences.
The following were interviewed:
For more information on the interviews and the interviewed, see: SFW-werkuitgave no. 8 (1995), p. 3, 41.
Type interview: scientific
The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Beeld & Geluid. Digitization can, however, be requested from Beeld & Geluid via:
In DAAN, the digital archive of Beeld & Geluid the following items can be found: various items of Radio Herrijzend Nederland
As well as a documentary on this topic under the title “Herrijzend Nederland” 18-09-1969 TROS
R.L. Schuursma interviewed Karel Nort (1913-1981), who as chief broadcaster reported the news of the German Capitulation via Radio Herrijzend Nederland on May 4, 1945. The interview covered Nort’s role in the resistance, his work at the AVRO and his role as chief announcer at Radio Herrijzend Nederland.
Nort joined the AVRO in 1938 as a sports reporter. After the disappearance of many radio stations, he worked for the nazified (Gleichschaltung) Nederlandsche Omroep until early 1943. When this work became too much for him, he left for Maastricht, where he went to work in the station restaurant. There he became involved in the resistance and was involved in arms smuggling. Then, after the liberation of Eindhoven in 1944, he crossed over at Biesbosch and became a contributor to Radio Herrijzend Nederland. With a makeshift reporter’s truck, he toured the liberated part of the Netherlands. Nort gives an account of this occupation here.
When on Saturday, May 5, 1945, the surrender of the Germans became known throughout the Netherlands, the employees of Radio Herrijzend Nederland were still wondering what would happen to the station after liberation. In the first place, the head of the Military Authority decided that Radio Herrijzend Nederland would be taken off the air immediately after liberation. This would eventually happen only in 1946.
For more information about the interview and the interviewee, see: SFW work issue no. 8 (1995), p.34
Type interview: scientific
The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Beeld & Geluid. Digitization can, however, be requested from Beeld & Geluid via:
Title: Agent van de Zwitserse weg: het levensverhaal van Jan van Borssum Buisman
Author: Marc Couwenberg
Publisher: Walburg Pers, Zutphen, 2000
ISBN: 9789057301254
The seventy-year-old Gerard Slotemaker de Bruine spoke with interviewers Th. Minderaa, J. Rijken, R.L. Schuursma and Sj. Vellenga about his resistance work during World War II.
Slotemaker de Bruine was the son of CHU minister Jan Rudolph Slotemaker de Bruine and Cornelia de Jong. He was very active in the resistance, especially within the spy group “the Swiss Road. The Swiss Road was a common smuggling route during World War II from 1942 to June 1944, part of the Dutch-Paris underground network. Prime Minister Gerbrandy urged Reverend Visser ‘t Hooft to set up an intelligence service to enable contact between occupied Holland and the government in London. Visser ‘t Hooft met Hebe Charlotte Kohlbrugge just at that time, and so the new route was established. The route went via trustworthy persons and addresses from Holland, including Slotemaker de Bruine, to Geneva. Often couriers brought messages to Switzerland via this route that were destined for the government in London. These messages were microfilmed in the Netherlands and often hidden in clothing.
After the war, Slotemaker de Bruine became the director of the scientific bureau of the PvdA. Later he broke away from the PvdA because of the Indonesian issue. Throughout his life he maintained close ties with leading theologians and held many societally relevant functions. Between 1963 and 1967, De Bruine served in the House of Representatives on behalf of the Pacifist Socialist Party.
Type interview: scientific
These interviews can be found in DAAN, the digital archive of Beeld & Geluid: Drie interviews met G.J. Teunissen (Leider Filmgilde 1941-1945) 11-11-1964
Historian R.L. Schuursma interviewed filmmaker Gerardus Johannes (Jan) Teunissen (1898-1975) in 1964 and 1965. Teunissen was a National Socialist filmmaker in the Netherlands. In 1933 he made his first feature film, Willem van Oranje. This was the Netherlands’ first sound film. The interviews therefore provide information about Dutch film history and the role of National Socialism and collaboration during World War II.
On August 27, 1940, Teunissen joined Anton Mussert’s National Socialist Movement (NSB). Soon he became head of the NSB’s Film Service. His star rose quickly and it was not long before he was the most powerful man in the Dutch film world during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945 he was leader of the Film Gilde, a part of the Nederlandsche Kultuurkamer. This was a German institution to which all artists, architects, writers, etc. had to be affiliated in order to work. As chairman of the Rijksfilmkeuring, Teunissen was the personification of collaboration within the Dutch film industry.
After the Allied victory, Teunissen was imprisoned from November 5, 1945 to May 10, 1948. He was subsequently banned from working in the Dutch film industry for ten years.
Type interview: scientific
The interview can be found in DAAN, the digital archive of Beeld & Geluid with the search terms “Ernst Voorhoeve”
E. (Ernst) Voorhoeve (1900-1966) over Verdinaso en NSB 25-04-1966
Shortly before his death, Ernst Voorhoeve (1900-1966) spoke with interviewers R.L. Schuursma and SJ. Vellenga. He was a Dutch sculptor and painter. During World War II he was, among other things, propaganda director of the National Socialist Movement (NSB) and the Department of Public Information and the Arts. In this 2.5 hour interview, Voorhoeve speaks about National Socialism and the Confederation of Dietsche Nationaal Solidaristen (Verdinaso).
In the early 1920s, Voorhoeve converted to Catholicism. He initially made paintings, drawings, woodcuts and book illustrations, but developed into a sculptor after his conversion. He made (religious) sculptures and crucifixes in wood and bronze, which have a primitive character.
In 1932 Voorhoeve joined Verdinaso out of interest. After attending a speech given by Joris van Severen in 1934, he became active within the movement as a national organization leader. In 1938 the Dutch branch became independent and came under his leadership, but two years later Verdinaso-Netherlands merged into the National Socialist Movement (NSB) under pressure from the occupying forces. Voorhoeve became propaganda director of the NSB and, in 1942, of the National Socialist Department of Public Information and the Arts (DVK). Although he even fought on the Eastern Front for some time, Voorhoeve was not in favor of annexation by the Germans. He lost their approval and had to resign as propaganda leader of the NSB and the DPRK in 1943.
The Special Court in Arnhem sentenced Voorhoeve to 11 years in prison in March 1949.
For more information about the interview and the interviewee, see: SFW work issue no. 8 (1995), p.49.
Type onderzoek: scientific
The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Beeld & Geluid. Digitization can, however, be requested from Beeld & Geluid via:
R.L. Schuursma interviewed F.W. Wessels about fascism, the NSB and World War II. Wessels is known for his flyer called De N.S.B.-Leiding ontmaskerd. De bloem der natie (1936). He also wrote Ik beschuldig! Mijn antwoord aan Ir. Mussert N.S.B.-aanslag op de A.V.R.O. “De Telegraaf” werd misleid (1936).
As a former NSB Propaganda Inspector for Drenthe and North Overijssel, he criticized Mussert in these two writings. He addressed the self-enrichment by the NSB leadership, for example, by revealing Mussert’s salary. Moreover, he revealed that the NSB was trying to get reliable members to infiltrate all possible Dutch associations and clubs. As a former NSB member and whistleblower, Wessels possesses important information about the functioning of the early NSB.
The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Sound & Vision. Digitization can, however, be requested from Sound & Vision via:
The interview with Piet van der Ham (born 1910) was made as part of Renate Bergsma’s research internship at SFW in 1995. It was incorporated into her doctoral thesis “Do you speak film? The Catholic filmmaker Piet van der Ham, Amsterdam (doctoral thesis Cultural Studies, UvA), 1995. Under the same title she published an article in the 1994 Yearbook Stichting Film en Wetenschap – Audiovisual Archive, Amsterdam: Stichting Film en Wetenschap, 1995, p.75-101.
Piet van der Ham has been characterized as a Catholic filmmaker. His “discovery” in 1936 as an amateur filmmaker by the filmmaker Otto van Neijenhoff was the impetus for a whole series of commissioned films from that angle. He was theoretically influenced by the Catholic ‘film pope’ Janus van Domburg and the writer-poet A.J.D. van Oosten and more generally by the aesthetic views of the Filmliga. With Van Oosten, he founded the Catholic film group Kafilgro. The amateur film Redt Volendam, made by Piet van der Ham and Goof Bloemen, can be found on the website of Beeld & Geluid.
During World War II he experimented with feature films, together with his friend Alfred Mazure, and worked as a photographer for the Internal Armed Forces. Over the years, he made many film journalistic contributions to newspapers such as De Tijd and de Maasbode and was associated with film magazines such as Filmfront and Filmforum. He was also involved in the Catholic Film Censorship Board. After the war, he made a number of films for the KVP, including the well-known De Opdracht (1956). He also made several corporate films and produced news items for Polygoon and the NTS. Finally, Van der Ham taught film and photography in The Hague.
The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Sound & Vision. Digitization can, however, be requested from Sound & Vision via:
The interview was conducted as part of Selier’s doctoral research on the history of Dutch (press) photography. The main purpose of this interview was to find out more about THE Polygoon Photo Press Agency during the occupation years and the establishment of the ANP Photo Press Agency after the war, into which Polygoon Photo was incorporated, including the photo archive, which, incidentally, was destroyed for a significant part. About the archive and what remains of it, Selier wrote the article “Polygoon photo archive,” in: GBG-News 20, pp. 7-9 (Photohistorical Front Message series).
Before the war, Van der Werff worked as a press photographer in the photo department of the film and photo production company Polygoon in Haarlem. In 1938, he was seconded to The Hague. However, he left the company in 1941 and returned to Haarlem to earn his living as a “town hall” photographer for several years. After the war, he was the first photographer employed by the newly established ANP Photo Press Agency, where he remained until his retirement. Van der Werff also talks about fellow photographers, including Aart Klein.
The collection has not yet been digitized and therefore cannot be viewed directly at Sound & Vision. Digitization can, however, be requested from Sound & Vision via:
In DAAN, the digital archive of Sound & Vision the following item can be found: Oral History 19-11-1987 VPRO, an interview with Lichtveld concerning his work as a member of the purification commission for broadcasting
Also see a four hour long interview with Lichtveld from the VPRO
Annemieke Kaan interviewed Lou Lichtveld (1903-1996) for her doctoral thesis on history (RUU) on Suriname. Helman speaks about the government of the former Dutch colony and about his literary work.
Lichtveld came to the Netherlands at the age of 18, did journalistic work, studied music and developed into a (film) composer and film critic. He went back to Suriname in 1949 and held several public positions in the country. For example, he served as Minister of Education from 1949-51 and as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the 1960s. He also emerged as an inspiring figure in Surinamese cultural life. For his books he often chose the country as a subject, although he mainly addressed a Dutch audience. Later he settled in the Netherlands again.