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The liberation of Roosendaal

West-Brabants Archief
Time period: 1944-1945
Number of interviews: 9 (8 people)
Accessibility: in the archives
Transcripts: yes
Period of interviews: March-April 1994

These interviews can be found under AC009 within the collection roo – 0260 Geluidsopnamen Roosendaal, 1936-heden.

Besides cassettes there are also exist MP3 and WAV files

Medium: 9 cassette tapes

Title: De bevrijding van West-Brabant, september 1944-mei 1945: een streek en haar bewoners temidden van verwoesting en oorlogsgeweld

Author: Piet Hoedelmans, Adriënne Wagenaar en Ineke de Wolff

Publisher: Het Verboden Rijk, Roosendaal, 1994

ISBN: 9075039026

Ïn 1994 Ineke de Wolff interviewed eight Roosendaalers for her book De Bevrijding van West-Brabant.

The eight people from Roosendaal relate their experiences of the last two years of the war.


The liberation of Roosendaal took place on October 30, 1944, by the 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division, the Polar Bears. The advance of the Allies near Roosendaal did not go very smoothly. There was heavy fighting around the hamlets of Vinkenbroek and Boeiink. The Germans were trying to gain time to take up new positions. They fell back en masse behind the rivers Mark and Dintel.

The Trommelaeren of Roesendaele (1950-1969)

West-Brabants Archief
Time period: 1950-1969
Number of interviews: 31
Accessibility: in the archives
Transcripts: partial
Period of interviews: 1983-1988

The interviews can be found under the numbers AC015-AC045 within the collection C.J. Heeren. The following can be found here within roo – 0260 Geluidsopnamen Roosendaal, 1936-heden

Medium: cassettes

Title: De Trommelaeren van Roesendaele: een sociaal-cultureel beeld van de jaren vijftig en zestig

Author: Cees Heeren

Publisher: Gemeentearchief Roosendaal, Roosendaal, 1990

ISBN: 9789073080041

Between 1983-1988, Cees Heeren interviewed several people from Roosendaal for the purpose of his book De Trommelaeren van Roesendaele: een sociaal-cultureel beeld van de jaren vijftig en 60. The interviews covered the 1950s and 1960s. These 31 interviews are stored in the West Brabant Archives.


You may find a video of the Trommelaeren from the 60s here.