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Time period: 1895-2000


Number of interviews: 18

Transcriptions: yes (Dutch, French)

Sound file: mp3

Accessibility: mandatory registration and on request 

The international cultural heritage project A World of Diamond: Diamond Workers in The Netherlands, Belgium and France, 1895-2000 will collect, describe and disseminate the dispersed heritage of the international diamond workers during the twentieth century and beyond. A consortium will be created bringing together partners from The Netherlands, Belgium and France. The project will study and testpilotstrategies to digitally aggregate, improve and disseminate the digitized documents, images and testimonies of the worlds of diamond workers.


Publication on the occasion of the project “A world of diamond: diamond workers in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, 1895-2000”.

48 p.
ISBN: 9789464330045

Enkele mannen en jongens uit de diamantbewerking poserend met hun werkstukken. Diamantslijpers (staande) en diamantverstelders (zittend). 1890-1892.