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On this page we present inspiring projects, initiatives and examples of Oral History in education.
Higher education, Secondary education
Oral history in the class
Examples of oral history interviews, downloadable teaching materials and guidance for starting your own oral history project
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Secondary education, Vocational education
Freedom in vision and sound
A program in four rounds for young people. They get to work, based on short quotes from oral history interviews, to create their own images of freedom. For this they use their smartphones.
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Vocational education
Oral history – instruction videos
Instructive oral history videos from Erfgoed Gelderland now online
Episode 1 What is oral history?
Episode 2 Preparing for the interview
Episode 3 Recording the interview
Episode 4 Interview technique
Episode 5 Processing and archiving the interview
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Primary education
Guest workers – Het Klokhuis
Klokhuis special about guest workers who came to the Netherlands starting in the 1960s.
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Secondary education
The World of the East
Here you will find the working methods developed for The World of East and the film East. The tools are aimed at classroom discussion and research from a multi-perspective approach. They can be used in subjects such as history, CKV, (mbo) citizenship or project education and higher education.
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Secondary education
Young trackers
Approach to teach pupils to investigate (migration) history in their own environment. The Cultural Pathfinders projects (2004-2008) of the Centre for the History of Migrants (CGM) provided inspiration.
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Primary education
The walls have ears
Everyone has traces of migration in their family history, from a shorter or longer period of time.
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Primary education
Jewish children in Camp Vught
Educational package with short documentary "What can they do to us?" in which four eyewitnesses talk about their experiences.
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Primary education, Secondary education
The true story of the Jewish resistance hero Walter Süskind
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Primary education, Secondary education
Ancestors unKnown Netherlands
Ancestors unKnown Netherlands is a history programme that makes pupils in a (multicultural) class co-producer of their own historiography.
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Higher education
GeschiedenisLab Workshops oral history
Interactive workshops for history students
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Higher education, Secondary education
Oral history and history teaching
Discussion file. Compared to other countries, oral history is hardly used in the classroom.
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Vocational education
Freedom and Citizenship
Erfgoed Gelderland is developing unique oral history teaching materials in collaboration with the Gelderland War Museums, the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen and various vocational schools in Gelderland.
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Primary education, Secondary education
Eyewitnesses in the classroom
Research on the use of filmed interviews with eyewitnesses of WWII in the classroom
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Higher education, Primary education, Secondary education
Story House Belvédère
Verhalenhuis Belvédère offers pupils a free space to connect with Rotterdam.
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Primary education
In my neighbourhood
Learning by meeting
► War in my neighbourhood
► Colonial traces in my neighbourhood
► Arrival in my neighbourhood
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Primary education, Secondary education
The emigration generation
The Emigration Generation is a project in which children between the ages of 10 and 14 collect the migration stories (from the 1960s and 1970s) of grandparents in small groups.
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Secondary education
My city
The history of Heerlen in the 20th century in relation to the rise and fall of the mining industry.
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Secondary education
Learning from hearsay
Learning by Hearing is a practical guide for secondary schools that want to put oral history into practice.
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Secondary education
The lessons of the ZMV
Lessons of the Black, Migrant and Refugee Women's Movement
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Secondary education
The lessons of Aletta Jacobs
Educational package with four educational clips and an accompanying teaching programme about the multifaceted struggle of Aletta Jacobs
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Secondary education
The Lessons of Dolle Mina
The educational programme "The Lessons of Dolle Mina" consists of four knowledge clips and accompanying teaching packs on the actions and demands of Dolle Mina and the context of the "second feminist wave".
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Primary education, Secondary education, Vocational education
View on freedom
Refugee stories then and now
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Primary education
We are free
Experience the stories of people who were not free for a while, because they lived in war. Or because they could not be who they wanted to be.
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Primary education, Secondary education, Vocational education
Young at war
In Young at War, eyewitnesses recount their childhood in the Second World War
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Secondary education, Vocational education
Story of my flight
A project for pupils and teachers in secondary education and vocational training.
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Secondary education
Specially Unknown
How can teachers, for example of social studies and history, use the material of Specially Unknown?
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Primary education, Secondary education
Suitcases with stories
In the programme Koffers volhalen pupils receive a suitcase containing stories and objects from an eyewitness of the Battle of Arnhem.
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Primary education, Secondary education
Eyewitnesses tell
Children of that time tell what they experienced during the Battle of Arnhem. This can be done in the Airborne Museum or in the classroom.
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Secondary education
Veteran in the classroom
As part of the exhibition 'The Red Beret', about 25 years of the Airborne Brigade, the Veterans Institute and the Airborne Museum work together to link the past with the present.
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Secondary education
Moluccan community
Oral History project with the Buah Hati Foundation and RSG Lingecollege
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Higher education, Vocational education
Archive Lectures Sound and Vision
The archive of Sound & Vision is invaluable for creative media makers.
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Primary education
Erf Goed!
Erf Goed! is a perfect tool for the elementary school teacher who wants to connect the classroom with the stories and emotions that heritage has to offer.
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Primary education, Secondary education
An ‘After the War’ guest lesson
From the power of the personal story of WW2, themes such as anti-Semitism and exclusion are discussed. Several guest speakers take students back to the past and link it to contemporary social developments.
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Primary education
The life story as work of art
In search of the past, by questioning your grandfather or your grandmother or another elderly person
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Primary education, Secondary education
Education project ‘Traces of the East Indies’
The documentary 'Traces of the East Indies' tells national history through local examples. Special teaching materials have been developed for use by schools nationwide.
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Higher education, Primary education, Secondary education
Auschwitz, our story
40-minute documentary and educational lesson with two-level questions.
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Higher education, Primary education, Secondary education, Vocational education
Online learning with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
A wide range of teaching materials on the Holocaust
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Secondary education, Vocational education
The Russians’ war on Texel
The site provides a clear overview of the historical events on the island that eventually became known as the Russ War
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Primary education, Secondary education, Vocational education
Migrant older people’s life stories in the classroom
Older migrants, who came to the Netherlands in the 1960s and worked, for example, at Melkunie and the Fokker factory, will tell their stories in the classroom.
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