From the Oral History Hub Telling History, the initiative has been taken to create a link between the oral history collections Getuigenverhalen (Witness Stories), Veteranen vertelllen (Veterans talk) and the Specially Unknown project around the concept of Freedom.
The aim is to make the collections searchable on the meaning people give to the concept of freedom.
To make this substantive link, interviews were analysed for the meaning given to freedom and the various interview fragments were labelled.
Below is an overview of the labels used and their meaning:
Label | Meaning |
Equal rights | Defined equal rights, legal, accommodated in the system |
Religion | Freedom of religion and belief |
Boundaries | Freedom is not limitless. Freedom of some can mean unfreedom of others |
Reliable government | Reliable government as a prerequisite for feeling free |
Safety | Being able to live in safety |
Living |
Freedom where you want to live |
Tolerance |
Being able to live together with people from different backgrounds |
Violence |
Freedom from violence |
Arbitrariness |
The prohibition of arbitrariness |
Want |
Freedom from want and/or poverty |
Discrimination |
Freedom from racism and/or discrimination |
Profession |
Free choice of profession |
Education |
Freedom to learn and develop |
Own choices |
Freedom to make your own choices |
Income |
Have own income |
Speech |
Freedom to say what you think and feel |
Movement |
Freedom to go where you want – freedom of movement |
Time arragement |
Freedom to arrange your own time |
Expression |
Freedom to dress, express yourself |
Organise |
Freedom of association, being able to express yourself collectively |
Language and culture |
Freedom to speak your own language and express your culture |
Identity |
The freedom to be yourself and recognition of your identity |