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Sound & Vision

Sound and Vision is the place where media converge. For the museum visitor who is interested in how the media work and the school student who comes to take a workshop on fake news. For the editor looking for a fragment for a television programme. For the artist who uses archive material to create new work and for the researcher who is writing a publication about diversity in the media. We are one of the largest archives in the world and we preserve all kinds of media, such as radio and television programmes, video (games), written press, political prints, gifs, websites and objects.

Netherlands Veterans Institute


Interviewcollectie Nederlandse veteranen

veteranen vertellen

The Dutch Veterans Interview Collection (ICNV) of the Netherlands Veterans Institute (NLVi) is managed by the Expertise Centre of the NLVi: Jeoffrey van Woensel and Annabel de Ruijter.


Interviewcollectie Nederlandse veteranen

veteranen vertellen

Werkgroep Oral History Huizinga Instituut

The Oral History Working Group consists of researchers and teachers with an interest in evoking personal memories through interviews, creating oral sources, and analysing them in the broader context of memory cultures.

The group meets several times a year to discuss current research and developments in the field, sometimes around a specific theme. Besides focusing on the theory and practice of oral history, the influence of digital technology on the field is also discussed.

The working group promotes reflection and discussion on oral history as a source and method, and also aims to strengthen the discipline and make it visible. One of the ways we do this is by looking for common ground between different contexts in which oral sources are used: transcending disciplines and both within and outside the academy. Experts and interested parties are therefore expressly invited to participate in the meetings.

Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies



NIOD, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies is a national and international expertise centre for interdisciplinary research on the history of world wars, large-scale violence and genocides, and their social consequences. In addition, NIOD collects, preserves and provides access to archives and collections.


Huygens ING

Unravelling history with new technology. That is the mission of the Huygens ING, a research institute in the field of history and culture. We want to achieve this through inspiring research and the creation of innovative tools to unlock, understand and analyse old, inaccessible sources. We do this in the fields of History, Literature, Scientific History and Digital Humanities. We want to achieve this through inspiring research and by creating innovative tools to unlock, understand and analyse old, inaccessible sources. We do this in the fields of History, Literary Studies, Scientific History and Digital Humanities.