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Foundation BMP

The BMP Foundation is a national project organisation that develops innovative social and cultural projects. This happens at the request of individual people or groups from society and on our own initiative. We focus on exploring new themes and developing new approaches. In the projects of BMP, stories and creativity play an important role.


The BMP Foundation is a co-initiator of the oral history hub “Sprekende geschiedenis”.

Verhalenhuis Belvédère

The Story House

If Then is Now


The Verhalis Foundation collects memories and stories.
Everyone has a wealth of colourful memories that are worth telling.
We mirror the life stories of others.
We are surprised, repulsed or inspired by these stories.
The Verhalis Foundation wants to film or visualise these stories in order to preserve them for future generations.

Verhalis sets up projects itself, or thinks along with other initiatives.



Stichting Zieraad