The archive of Sound & Vision is invaluable for creative media makers. Archived television broadcasts, documentaries, radio broadcasts, sound recordings, photographs and amateur films: all potential content for the story you want to tell. And an excellent source for research and investigation. But how do you get hold of that material? Whose material is it? What can you use?
Archive colleges are courses and master classes that are given as part of the study programmes or are part of specific pathways. Practical and inspiring, in modules or tailor-made.
We focus on:
Fill in the form if you want to contact us about the Archive colleges. As a student, you can also register yourself. Or mail Kristina Petrasova directly.
We discuss the collection of Sound & Vision and show previous projects and collaborations for inspiration. Image researchers and/or curators of Sound and Vision talk about searching the collection catalog and how the collection is built up. How is it determined what is and is not to be archived?
And in practical terms: where do you start your research, how do you manage your results and how do you take into account the context of the material? Naturally, we show many examples of available content.
For first year students this module is mainly an introduction to archiving. With more experienced creators we go deeper into building the research.
This module is a low-threshold introduction to copyright. For creative reuse, for example, public domain, citation law and portrait law are relevant. Afterwards clearing can cause problems for the story you want to tell. How can you estimate during the search whether you can obtain a license for the material? And what will that cost? Sometimes you can use material for free, what are the conditions?
We also discuss ethics. How do you deal with sensitive historical footage in a contemporary production? How do you deal with privacy and context?
We will give appealing examples and invite participants to come up with specific questions.
Foto: Denken en Dromen – Museon – CC BY
A module about the love for the archive. Renowned creators from different disciplines tell how archival material can enrich your work and show examples of appealing and special film and/or art projects.
Content from the archive expands the possibilities of the creative process, gives depth to the subjects and offers great possibilities in both linear and non-linear narratives. Archival material can contribute to the formation of one’s own language and working practice.
In addition to the basic modules, there is a lot more knowledge at Sound & Vision that could be relevant to students and professionals in the creative industry. Additional modules can be arranged depending on your needs and educational institution, such as archiving for makers and using data in your research.