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Jewish children in Camp Vught

George en Ursula Levy

Teaching package (for schools only)

The core of the teaching package is an 18-minute documentary entitled What can they do to us? In this short film, four eyewitnesses tell about their experiences. Their words are alternated with images of free, playing children today.


After watching the film, the pupils work with sources from the lives of the eyewitnesses. The Holocaust has made them survivors who were lucky enough not to be murdered. How this could happen is shown by examining their ‘shadow history’: that of their sisters who were killed.


One of the interviewees is Koos Valk, who was six years old in 1940. Jules Bohnen, the interviewer: “Koos said: I’ll tell it one more time and then never again, and then the book will be closed. It was hard for him, just like the others.
Valk on the DVD: “In Vught I felt very deserted and panicky. An aunt had said: you can play there, there’s lots of sand and you get sweets. Yes, my aunt could tell it well…”.