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My city

On the occasion of the Year of the Mines, the Open University has developed a website about the history of Heerlen in the twentieth century in relation to the rise and fall of the mining industry. The site is primarily intended for secondary school pupils, but is also interesting for anyone who wants to study this period, which is so turbulent for our city.


Under the tab Themes, a bird’s eye view is given of the development of the city of Heerlen in the twentieth century, following the line taken in the book The Smell of Coal by journalist Joep Dohmen, from which much of the content is derived.


A number of experts and key figures have their say under the Interviews tab. In extensive interviews, they talk about the mines, the role of the church, urban development, the rise of education, the aftermath of the mine closures, the decline of the city and their view of the future. This series of interviews includes the last interview with former alderman Jos Zuidgeest, who died in 2016.


Under the next tab, the urbanisation of Heerlen is illustrated using historical maps. you will also find an animation of the city’s growth.


Finally, you are referred to a walking app, which you can download on your (android) phone or tablet. The app takes you along places and buildings that have been important in the history of Heerlen in the twentieth century. The walk also includes a quiz.