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Bospolder-Tussendijken neighbourhood collection

Foto: Annabel Oosteweeghel

The Bospolder-Tussendijken neighbourhoods are often referred to in the same breath as BoTu, with the Schiedamseweg as the border between the two districts. With 14,000 inhabitants, 8 primary schools and 1 secondary school in 1 square kilometre, it is a very diverse and dynamic neighbourhood.


A district that faces challenges and changes. For the area is becoming increasingly diverse due to growing migration and more single-person households.
In addition, this neighbourhood is one of the first to become natural gas-free.


With the Neighbourhood Collection, we want to follow how people in this neighbourhood deal with the changes and challenges.Several offline and online Storytelling Cafés have now taken place in Bospolder-Tussendijken. A Stories Table was also organised together with the volunteers of Yess! Pop up store (District Collection BoTu no. 0017).

A neighbourhood collection of residents’ stories has been built up in BoTu. Together, the stories from BoTu form a multicoloured picture of this special neighbourhood. This edition of the Neighbourhood Collection Newspaper brings together the first 28 stories.